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How SMEs & Job Seekers Can Benefit From the Career Trial Programme 2023 [Updated]

The article was published on 19 August 2020 and was most recently updated on 15 March 2023
The Career Trial Programme, previously known as the Work Trial Scheme, provides job seekers with training allowance for up to three months when they take up one of the applicable jobs on a trial basis.
As Singapore’s unemployment rate rose in the second quarter of 2020 to a record high level in more than a decade amid the Covid-19 pandemic, there are more than 79,600 Singapore citizens that are unemployed. On top of the rising unemployment rate, many Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are tightening their hiring budget and are more prudent in their hiring practices.
The Career Trial Programme will help to address the concern that most employers have regarding whether the applicants are the ‘right fit’ for the company. As much as possible, companies will want to reduce any additional costs incurred if they are unsure of the employee's ability, hence the Career Trial Programme will help job seekers and employers to get to know each other better before signing on the dotted line.
The programme not only covers full-time positions, the recent revision also allows part time positions to be onboard. The programme is targeted at full time jobs of paying at least S$1,500/month and part time jobs paying at least S$750/month.
Career Trial is a program offered by Workforce Singapore (WSG) and the Employment and Employability Institute (NTUC's e2i) to strengthen employment outcomes through a short-term trial with a host company.
- Locally incorporated in Singapore with an ACRA-registered Unique Entity Number (UEN)
- Actively hiring for full time jobs paying S$1,500 or more, and/or part-time jobs paying S$750 or more
- Offer employment to suitable job seekers on permanent terms or on contract terms that are no less than one year after completion of Career Trial.
- Employers are required to post the Career Trial position on MyCareersFuture.SG as proof of active hiring, as well as the number of vacancies per position.
- Subsidy of training allowance of baseline S$7.50/hour during Career Trial Period and up to $15/hour for training allowance (TA) of S$2,500 or more.
**Note that all training allowances are directly credited to Jobseekers and not Employers’ bank accounts during the Career Trial period. And Employers are to reimburse the difference in TA and the agreed salary.
- Salary Support Funding of up to 30% after the Career Trial Programme for up to 6 months
Employers can receive salary support based on the funding rates per new hire if all of the following are met:
- Employer hires a Singapore Citizen (SC) who has been unemployed and actively looking for jobs for 6 months or more;
- Jobseeker has completed CareerTrial; and
- Jobseeker has been retained in the job for at least 3 consecutive months.
- Singapore Citizen, who have been actively seeking employment on a permanent basis prior to commencing the Career Trial Programme;
- Unemployed at the point of commencement and during the programme;
- At least 16 years old, completed full-time studies and National Service (If applicable)
**Jobseekers who are employed including self-employment, part-time, ad-hoc and casual/temporary work, and receiving CPF contributions cannot be granted the Career Trial before embarking on it or during it.
- Besides training allowance that ranges from S$7.50/hour to S$15/hour;
- Retention Incentive (RI) of S$500 at the 3-month retention mark;
- Additional Retention Incentive (ARI) of S$1,000 at the 6-month retention mark for unemployed Singapore Citizens who have been actively looking for jobs for at least 6 months;
- Additional Incentive of S$1,000 to Singapore Citizens with Disabilities regardless of unemployment duration
Employers and jobseekers who are keen to participate in Career Trial can refer to Career Trial for Employers and, Career Trial for Jobseekers respectively, for details. Alternatively, they can also approach Careers Connect under WSG or NTUC's e2i for assistance.
Read also: Employing Workers with Special Needs in Singapore - What Other Grants Support Is There? [Updated]
Frequently Asked Questions For the Career Trial Programme
- Does Employers need to contribute CPF for the job seekers?
No requirement for CPF contribution during the Career Trial period as there is no employer-employee relationship.
- What is the training duration of Career Trial to be eligible for the funding support (30% salary funding)?
The minimum career trial duration is 16 hours for full time and part-time career trial. The maximum duration for full-time positions is up to 480 hours (3 months).
For part-time career trials, the maximum duration is up to 80 hours per month for up to 3 months.
- Do Employers need to offer the monthly salary as indicated during Career Trial Application after the Career Trial?
Yes, failure to do so will result in possible suspension from WSG/NTUC’s e2i from the programme as a host employer.
- When will Employers be notified of their Career Trial Application?
Employers will be notified within 5 working days on the receipt for application via email approval.
- Does Employers need to wait for the jobseeker to be approved before commencing them on the career trial?
Yes, employers need to submit the jobseeker’s Detail Form A1 and a copy of the job seeker's CPF contribution statement before commencing.
- How many Career Trial Candidates can I offer under the Career Trial Programme?
Companies registered under the Career Trial can offer up to 5 career trial vacancies per position, capped at 5 positions subject to WSG/NTUC’s e2i approval. (max 25 position)
- Can a Career Trial candidate be eligible for Career Conversion Programme incentive?
Yes, once Company offers a permanent employment contract to the candidate with CPF contribution (of at least S$2,700 salary), companies can apply for CCP grant.
- What happens if jobseekers resign/get terminated from the company and are not retained for at least 3 months of employment?
Job seekers will not qualify for the Retention Incentive (RI) if he/she did not stay with the same employers for 3 months but job seekers will still qualify for the RI if he/she can find another employer within six(6) months from the date of completion of Career Trial and stay in the job for at least three(3) months.
For companies and unemployed job seekers who are keen to participate in the Career Trial Programme, please refer to https://www.wsg.gov.sg/home/employers-industry-partners and https://www.smart-towkay.com/blog/view/158-how-smes-and-job-seekers-can-benefit-from-the-career-trial-programme-2023-updated respectively for details. Alternatively, you can also call / email WSG’s Careers Connect or NTUC’s e2i for assistance.
WSG’s Careers ConnectHotline: 6883 5885
Feedback Portal: https://portal.ssg-wsg.gov.sg
NTUC’s e2iHotline: 6474 0606
Email: followup@e2i.com.sg
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