How Company Loans to Directors and Shareholders Work in Singapore

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How Company Loans to Directors and Shareholders Work in Singapore


If you're a director or shareholder of a company in Singapore, it's important to have a good understanding of the regulations around company loans to directors and shareholders. These loans can be a useful tool for a variety of reasons, such as providing financing for personal emergencies or helping directors meet expenses related to their role.

However, there are strict rules in place that you need to be aware of, as failing to comply with them can have serious consequences for both the company and its directors and shareholders. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how company loans to directors and shareholders work in Singapore, so you can feel confident navigating this important aspect of corporate finance.

Types Of Company Loans Available For Directors And Shareholders

In cases where a company has surplus funds, obtaining a loan from the company may result in a lowered or zero interest rate and flexible repayment terms.

Singapore law defines company loans to directors/shareholders to include various types, such as:


This is a transaction where the company pays expenses incurred by the director, with the understanding that the director will reimburse the company later on. For example, if you need to purchase equipment or transport expenses for business purposes, your company can pay for these expenses on your behalf, and you can reimburse the company later.

Credit transactions

This type of loan includes transactions such as renting out company assets such as housing or land to directors in exchange for payments or providing goods and services to directors (such as chauffeur services, laptops, or grocery hampers) in exchange for payments, essentially, the company provides goods, services, or real property/land use to the director in return for payments.

Guarantees to directors

In some cases, a director may require a personal loan for which the company can act as a corporate guarantor meaning that the company provides a guarantee or security for the loan, quasi-loan or credit transaction made for the benefit of the director.

Read also: Who Acts As A Guarantor In A Business Loan? A Detailed Legal Advice Before You Become a Loan Guarantor!

Additional Information: Loans for the Purchase of Shares

When a loan that is given to a director or shareholder to purchase shares in the company, this loan may be subject to restrictions and reporting requirements under the Companies Act.

Legal and Regulatory Framework for Company Loans to Directors and Shareholders

The legal and regulatory framework for company loans to directors and shareholders is set out in the Companies Act as mentioned previously. The Act prohibits loans to directors and shareholders unless they fall under one of the exceptions. The exceptions include loans for the purchase of a residential property, loans to pay for education expenses, and loans to purchase shares in the company.

There are also restrictions on company loans, including a requirement that the interest rate and other terms of the loan must be fair and reasonable. Failure to comply with the legal and regulatory framework can result in penalties and damage to the company's reputation.

Regulations for companies loaning money to their directors

The director's status as a shareholder will determine the outcome.

  • Company loans are subject to specific circumstances. If the director is not a shareholder, such loans may not be permitted unless they meet the outlined requirements.
  • Company loans may be permitted if the director is a shareholder, provided that certain requirements are met.

The company provides loans to directors who hold shares in the organization.

When directors also hold shares in a company, it is possible for the company to provide them with loans. However, there are certain requirements that should be considered as a guideline.

  • To approve the company loan to the director-shareholder, a Board meeting is required. In addition, a Board resolution must be passed with a majority vote. It is necessary to document that the loan was granted based on the individual's shareholder status.
  • It is not permissible to obtain company loans for the purpose of reducing tax liabilities of the director-shareholder, instead of paying them a director's fee or salary, etc.
  • In order to establish a company loan, it is necessary to have a formal document such as an IOU and a payment plan to create a debtor-creditor relationship. It is not advisable to lend money to a director-shareholder without a clear intention and plan for repayment.
  • When a company has provided loans to other shareholders, it is important that the loan terms are consistent. Director-shareholders should not receive preferential treatment of loan terms simply because they hold a position on the Board.

The guidelines for company loans to directors stipulate that their family members (i.e. related persons) are also subject to restrictions.

The Companies Act (CA) defines the concept of related persons.

The guidelines for obtaining loans from a company by directors extend to their related parties, which are categorized into two types according to the CA.

  • Family members of the director, including their spouse, children (including those who are adopted), and step-children are typically ineligible for loans from the director's company.
  • If the lending company is not exempt and the director holds 20% or more voting rights in the company or LLP receiving the loan, they must follow certain regulations. An exempt private company is defined as having less than 20 shareholders and no companies holding a beneficial interest in its shares.

When a borrowing company or LLP is related to another entity, approval from the lending company is necessary before any loans can be granted. During a general meeting, the director and their family members must refrain from voting on the matter.

When evaluating whether a director's desire for a company to acquire a loan justifies limitations in the CA, the interests of their family members are treated as equal to those of the director. This means that even if the director does not possess a 20% or greater voting stake in the company, consent must be sought if their relatives' combined interests are substantial.

Benefits Of Company Loans To Directors And Shareholders

There are several advantages to company loans to directors and shareholders in Singapore, including:

Low-Interest Rates

Company loans to directors and shareholders typically have lower interest rates than those offered by financial institutions. This makes them a more affordable option for those in need of funds.

Flexible Repayment Terms

The repayment terms for company loans to directors and shareholders are often more flexible than those offered by financial institutions. This allows individuals to repay the loan over a longer period, making it easier to manage their finances.

Easy Approval

Approval for company loans to directors and shareholders is often easier than obtaining a loan from a financial institution. This is because the company already has a relationship with the borrower and understands their financial situation. We will discuss more details later in the article.

Disadvantages of Company Loans to Directors and Shareholders

While there are advantages to company loans to directors and shareholders, there are also some disadvantages to consider, including:

Conflict of Interest

Company loans to directors and shareholders can create a conflict of interest. This is because the borrower is also a decision-maker in the company. It's important to disclose any loans made to directors or shareholders to ensure transparency and prevent any conflicts of interest.

Legal Consequences

Failing to comply with regulations surrounding company loans to directors and shareholders can result in legal consequences, including fines and penalties. It's important for companies to follow the regulations and obtain approval from shareholders to avoid any legal issues.

Risk of Default

There is a risk of default when making company loans to directors and shareholders. If the borrower is unable to repay the loan, it can affect the company's finances and cash flow. Companies should assess the borrower's ability to repay the loan before making the loan.

What Steps Are Needed: Acquiring Loan Approval

If you want to borrow a loan and your request falls under the first two exceptions. Remember that you'll need the company's approval during a general meeting. Oh, and don't forget to spill the beans on the purpose and amount of the loan - full disclosure is key!

In the event that a loan is issued without prior approval at the Annual General Meeting (AGN), the total outstanding loan amount must be paid back within six months after AGN has concluded. The directors accountable for authorizing the loan will be held jointly and severally responsible for any losses experienced by the company.

Loans can be allowed for companies where the director holds at least 20% of the voting interest, provided that approval is obtained in a general meeting.

The director and their family members must refrain from casting their votes for approval.

Structure On Tax Implications, Interest Rates And More

Have you ever wondered if a company can give an interest-free loan to its directors or shareholders? Well, the good news is that there is no requirement for interest to be charged on such loans. However, don't pop the champagne just yet, as taxes may apply.

As per the regulations of income tax, directors are also company employees, therefore, any advantages obtained from the loan will be viewed as employment benefits, and interest benefits will be taxed accordingly.

But hold on, there is an exception. If the loan is given to the director in the capacity of a shareholder rather than a director, the interest benefits will not be taxed as employment benefits. Confused? Don't worry, we'll explain.

Explanation: Determining whether a loan is given in a director's or shareholder's capacity depends on various factors, such as the presence of legitimate non-tax reasons for the loan, the existence of a loan agreement with a repayment schedule, and evidence of repayment.

About Directors' Duties and Interests Disclosure

Did you know that directors have a statutory duty to disclose any direct or indirect interests they have in any transactions with the company, including loans obtained from the company by the director or related persons? That's right, they must disclose it at a directors' meeting and send a notice to the company on the nature and extent of this interest, and act quickly.

But that's not all. If a director is guilty of breaching this duty (i.e. breach of duty), they will be liable for any profit made or loss suffered by the company, and may even face a fine of up to SGD $5,000 or imprisonment of up to twelve (12) months.

What Is Different About Obtaining Loans As Shareholders And Not Directors?

Since shareholders do not have the same duties and responsibilities as directors, there are no legal implications for a shareholder obtaining a loan from the company.

Therefore, the decision to proceed with the loan is dependent on the rest of board of directors. The directors must act in accordance with their duties and ensure that the loan will not cause significant harm to the company.


Company loans to directors and shareholders can provide a valuable source of funding for individuals in need of financial assistance. However, it's important for companies to follow regulations and ensure transparency to prevent any conflicts of interest. Companies should also assess the borrower's ability to repay the loan and consider the potential risks before making a loan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are company loans to directors and shareholders legal in Singapore?

Yes, company loans to directors and shareholders are legal in Singapore, but they are subject to regulations under the Companies Act.

What information must be disclosed about company loans to directors and shareholders?

Companies must disclose the amount of the loan, the purpose of the loan, the terms of the loan, including the interest rate and repayment period, and any security provided for the loan.

What are the advantages of company loans to directors and shareholders?

The advantages of company loans to directors and shareholders include lower interest rates, flexible repayment terms, and easy approval.

What are the risks of making company loans to directors and shareholders?

The risks of making company loans to directors and shareholders include conflicts of interest, legal consequences, and the risk of default.

Read also: What Happens When You Default on a SME Business Loan? - 2022
Read also: Can Directors be Liable for Company Debts in Singapore?


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